According to latest development in Afghanistan , Russia is going to deploy their army in Afghanistan emerging as the last hope of Afghanistan.

 As American army is returning back from Afghanistan after negotiation with Taliban, the situation is getting worsen in Afghanistan. There is a condition like civil war in Afghanistan as Taliban is capturing states forcefully irrespective of the America - Taliban agreement. So, will Russia be a last hope for the peace in Afghanistan ? well let's see.
US has spent almost $737 billion between 2001 to 2018 in Afghanistan war to remove terrorism. And according to New York Times, USA has spent $2 trillion dollar in military expenditure , development , reconstructions and economy control in Afghanistan. Total 2400 American soldiers and 38000 Afghan has been killed. But now USA has decided to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan as a result Taliban has started it expansion in majors areas.

peace talk between USA and Afghanistan

  Now , as a last hope Russian army may replace USA army in Afghanistan. In this Context ,  Indian foreign visits to Russia. Taliban is an uncontrollable force may be a concern of threat in central Asia.

Russia says situation in Afghanistan could deteriorate quickly due to this Russia is going to deploy drill attack helicopter in Tajik-Afghanistan border. Because of this step , the importance of Russia for India will increase drastically so Indian foreign minister attended Russia for emergency meeting.

Russia may demand for northern alliance which was formed in 1996 to keep northern part of Afghanistan stable. Its members were - India , Iran , Russia ,USA , Turkey and many more. USA agreed to cooperate with Russia and India for northern Alliance. Pamir mountains of Tajikistan is the matter of concern as if Taliban reached Pamir mountain , it will be difficult to remove them from there.

So,  Step of Russia is a positive step , specially for India as India -Taliban relationship has not been too good. What do you think in this matter? let us know in comment box.

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